Create a product/ service to conduct Menstrual Hygiene Management trainings in Sub-Saharan Africa
WASH United, Germany
Implementing Partner: WAGGGs, Uganda
Project Type
Strategy, Human Centred Design Research, Product Design
Menstruation is clouded in taboos and misconceptions that are socially and culturally accepted. The fact that these taboos are deep-rooted in social and cultural beliefs of specific regions lead to the perpetuation of them over time. Addressing them is a sensitive issue and often poses a challenge to trainers and practitioners of menstrual hygiene management.
Create a product to encourage active thinking and action amongst the girls, so they may question and find solutions on their own to the issues faced by them.
Device the implementation model for the product.
Create a Sustainability Plan for the product: The Action ensures that girls are willing to continue to spread the shift in knowledge and attitudes they attain through the MHMEG training. This should support scale up of the product.
Rosie’s World was created over an 8-month long period. There was commitment right from the beginning that the product must be based on human-centred design principles. This led to an acceptance and willingness to keep going back to the drawing board to make things work.
Detailed user personas, empathy maps, user journeys and simulations were created to provide deep insights into the user and the possible use of the product.
Co-creation workshops were held with the trainers and end-users to ensure their needs were taken into account to build on the insights.
Ideations led to multiple prototypes being created which were tested in 4 locations with a variety of audiences to ensure the authenticity of the product.
Implementation, sustainability and scale-up models were created in close coordination with the implementing partner to ensure easy uptake of the product.
What did we deliver?
A story and activity-based guide to be used in schools to educate, engage and empower girls.
Design system to be applied to all extensions of the product keeping scalability in mind.
Posters: To get feedback from girls right after the training
An on-ground implementation model of the product
A sustainability model to ensure continuous engagement with girls and schools
Take Action Project - An activity-based module to support the sustainability model.